Creative Ways to Celebrate Thanksgiving this Year

Post Date 17-Nov-2021 12:15:00

Thanksgiving is the time for us to share our gratitude as we give what we have to our friends and family. However, as we know, this feast will be a little different as we are slowly recovering from a difficult year away from our loved ones. So we want to make your Thanksgiving feel festive and special, even while you are far away in order to keep safe.


You know things will look different for Thanksgiving of 2021, but you can still give thanks and enjoy the company of your loved ones while staying safe. Enjoy all our online suggestions, from workshops to online tastings with your loved ones, but most of all enjoy quality time with the people you care about most.

Schedule a Virtual Celebration


Not surprisingly, people are still hosting all kinds of virtual parties. If your family can't get together for Thanksgiving, you can still see each other using video calling software like Zoom. Set a designated time, and make sure you walk older family members through the process of setting up the program in advance.

Try an Online Private Wine Tasting


You are at home and as you know this year will not be possible to gather all the family to do all those fun games after a wonderful meal, so why not try to have a unique and out-of-the-box experience? And with wine? Even better, isn't it? Our suggestion is a fantastic private and online wine experience, where you will learn all about the exquisite Portuguese wines of each region through streaming with outstanding wine specialists who will guide you through the whole experience, and of course at your pace. It is time to deliver the winery experience to your door. Wine home delivery with private online wine tasting experience commented live by the experts. The experience is online, live streaming with the wine experts that will guide you through the wine tasting. The wines are awarded and some of the most appreciated in the world and will be delivered to you at your home.

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Wine specialists will guide you in this complete sensorial experience through the wine region, the winery's history, the winemaking process, and all the wine-tasting techniques and materials to fully indulge in their wines. Taste the awarded wines of renowned wineries in the comfort and privacy of your home. Choose your style and the wines will be delivered. Enjoy the private commented tasting.

Experience an Online Private Cooking Workshop with an Awarded Michelin Chef


 The memory of generations, of aromas and flavors which are recreated in every new combination, to achieve palate emotions that result in an ‘ethnic-emotional’ cuisine, with no geographical limits on creation and influences. Through the online cooking workshop, you will be able to experience the Chef’s cuisine and prepare a dish for lunch or dinner. In the company of the Chef, you will learn how to prepare a dish full of flavors, textures, aromas, and colors. Get cooking tips, and ask all the questions you want in English or Portuguese - it's just you and the chef! Your chef will cook alongside you, and watch and coach you as you complete your meal together. 

Create a Fall Cocktail with Port Wine

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There is no better way to kick out the festivities than with a relaxing and delicious fall cocktail, after all, is one of life’s pleasures. And why not try to add to your amazing cocktail the delicious Portuguese Port wine that will lift it your cocktails to a whole new level? Not sure? Because you're not familiar with it? Well, the Port is a fortified wine, with a high ABV, and also is sweet. Depending on the Port Wine, there are diverse flavors you can add to your cocktail, after all, and despite your Port Wine of choice, Port will always add sweetness and balance to the cocktail. 

Celebrate Fall Colors With a Picnic


There are ways to safely get out of the house on Thanksgiving and for that why not a picnic? Pack up your delicious food and pair it with your favorite wines, choose a scenic location, and enjoy your delicious food while getting a bit of fresh air. Or if you prefer not to have worked at all, we can arrange for you the picnic with a beautiful scenario and unique delicacies that will be paired with the suited wine! It is an opportunity to experience something new with the people you love the most—even if you revert to your normal gatherings in years to come.

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Topics:   Travel safe travel thanksgiving thanksgiving ideas thanksgiving experiences

Margarida Gonçalves

Written by: Margarida Gonçalves

Margarida is a journalist, but it was in digital marketing that she found a way to combine her communicative and creative veins. At Wine Tourism in Portugal, she puts into practice all her knowledge of communication and marketing with a strategic focus! Come travel with her and discover all about Portugal and its heritage!

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