Best Wine Harvest Tours in Portugal

Post Date 13-Aug-2020 12:25:51

If you are passionate about wine and unique experiences, don't miss these incredible harvest experiences. See our suggestions and choose the best wine harvest tours


The Harvest season might start early. A dry year with mild and hot temperatures during the year will most likely make it possible to be a part of the harvest process already in September. The harvest in Portugal is one of the oldest wine-related activities and the most authentic and traditional one. The vineyards are filled with workers and excitement to pick the grapes that create some of the finest wines in the world.


Quinta das Carvalhas

Quinta das Carvalhas - Enólogo

Quinta das Carvalhas is one of the most emblematic and spectacular properties in the Douro Valley. Visit this wonderful Quinta side by side with its own Viticultural Manager: Alvaro Martinho, a passionate man who has dedicated most of his life to its vines and environment. The harvest experience includes a visit to the Quinta and the winery at Quinta do Casal da Granja. You will take part in the grape picking and have lunch in the estate, after which you will have the opportunity to tread the grapes. The experience ends with a wine tasting.


Quinta da Roêda


Quinta da Roêda, in Pinhão, is the property of the visit to the famous Croft. The Visitor's Centre occupies the old stables of the Quinta, which have been carefully restored in accordance with the traditional Douro style. This space offers a warm and spacious environment, ideal for tasting the famous Croft Port wines. Moreover, you will have the chance to discover the secrets of the vineyard while taking a guided tour of the estate, stopping at points of interest along the way, and enjoying the magnificent landscape and breathtaking views over the Douro River. During the harvest season of this estate, you can also enjoy the unforgettable experience of treading the grapes in the Lagares.


Quinta Nova de Nossa Senhora do Carmo 


This unforgettable experience at Quinta Nova starts in the morning and includes training and delivery of material and grape picking in the vineyard. Enjoy a lunch menu at Terraçus Winery Restaurant and then take a guided tour to the vineyard and winery with wine tasting. 


Quinta do Gradil


During this wine harvest experience, you will spend a day harvesting at Quinta do Gradil. You will have a welcome coffee and will take part in the harvest process, picking the grapes yourself, thus experiencing all the processes that give rise to their excellent wines. Then enjoy a tour of the winery and have a rest at lunch in the estate. In the afternoon you will have the opportunity to tread the grapes and your day will end with a wine tasting with some Portuguese delicacies.


Quinta da Pacheca


A day during the harvest season at Quinta da Pacheca begins with the cutting of the grape in the middle of the vineyards, with a straw hat, tobacconist scarf around your neck, and scissors in your hand. With the sunshine comes the meal, right in the middle of the vineyard, followed by a wine tasting and guided tour to the estate. In the afternoon comes the fun part, the pressing of the grapes, served with Port wine. Join the joy of the harvest season.


Adega Mayor


The Adega Mayor extends over 350 hectares of Holm oak forest and agricultural fields. Mayor is an architectural reference at the world level, which distinguishes and elevates the wine heritage of the Alentejo region. The building whose complexity has been whitewashed to elevate simplicity and merge with the landscape is simply stunning. The Adega offers a range of harvest programs, that consist of harvest with a picnic, harvest with lunch, or harvest with a stay in the estate.


João Portugal Ramos


João Portugal Ramos is a reference of Portuguese wines worldwide, giving identity to different and quality wines. Experience the grape harvest in Alentejo, start with a visit to the viewpoint of the city, where you will have the opportunity to harvest and feel the atmosphere in the vineyards. Next, you will tread the grapes in marble mills and then a visit to the winery and cellars. Finally, enjoy a harvest lunch.

Why book now your tour? Because by booking all your tours with us, you will have flexibility in the future, plus an acquired "Clean and Safe" seal. Through these unique times, we are available to plan, reschedule, and move your trip around your needs, as always. If your new dates may no longer work with your initial travel plan, a dedicated consultant will be available to tailor and reschedule your time in Portugal according to your needs and preferences, and to assure you that you will have the best and most memorable experiences.



Topics:   Douro Wine Tours Lisbon Harvest

Wine Tourism in Portugal

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