Portuguese gastronomy home-cooked by you and the most renowned Chefs

Posted by: Marisa Leitão

Post Date 28-Apr-2020 21:00:00

Rui paula

You will learn about the Portuguese gastronomic culture and the culinary techniques to cook and indulge in traditional Portuguese food.

Taste Portuguese gastronomy in the comfort and privacy of your home, booking this complete sensorial experience. 


DOP Leite de cabra, mel e amêndoa

We have been confined and eating all the meals at home, and cooking might be a source of either stress or a zen moment. We suggest you go for the second choice.

We know that there is a lot to consider when cooking, what shall we eat, will the kids like it, will my hubby or wife love it? What ingredients do I have in the fridge? And ultimately, the starting point: What will I cook today? I feel so uninspired.

Well, some days you deserve a premium service delivered home. Not just any meal delivery, but something outstanding. Something that will boost your energy, and love for food, and make you relax enjoy new flavors, and learn new techniques in the kitchen.

The suggestion is an amazing combo. What is the best way to discover a country? What is the best way to feel like you are in another place in the world? I'd say flavor and smell. It leads me to food, it leads me to wine tasting, and a lavish gastronomic exploration. 

How about having a world-renowned Chef, Michelin starred guiding you through the traditional flavors of his own country?

The chef will cook alongside you, watch and coach you as you cook your meal, together in a complete cooking workshop. Get all the culinary tips, ask all the questions you’ve always wanted to ask, and be in a private cooking workshop with the most renowned chefs


Meet Chef Rui de Paula one of the most experienced and beloved Portuguese chefs in this ultimate online cooking experience.

Through the online cooking workshop, you will be able to experience the Chef’s Rui Paula cuisine right at home and prepare your dish for lunch or dinner guided by the Chef himself. 

It is said that his Portuguese Northeastern roots fostered his interest in cooking, Portuguese people love to cook and eat and Northern cuisine is known for elaborate comfort food made by caring mothers and grandmothers, like his own who were Chef Rui de Paula's inspiration to pursue this career. 

Chef Rui de Paula is known for its respect for the Portuguese traditional gastronomy heritage and its curiosity and innovative spirit. For Chef Rui de Paula, food is memory, it is emotion, it is geography yet with no boundaries, it is modernity and fresh, super fresh ingredients from all over the world.

Just one-on-one coaching time and the Chef, that besides its 2 Michelin Stars and 3 renowned restaurants, is also known for its great personality and sense of humor. Can you imagine spending one-on-one time with such a delightful personality? What a wonderful and memorable time it will be.


Choose your ideal experience from all the experiences available and the chef you will choose will cook alongside you, watch and coach you as you prep and complete your meal together. 

The whole cooking experience was carefully planned to maximize your cuisine experience according to your cooking knowledge. 

The list of products will be presented in advance so you are ready to cook by the chosen time. Why not pair it with an online wine-tasting experience? Here is a sneak peek.

When visiting Portugal, the country can’t cease to delight foodies from all over the world. We know whenever travel resumes you will be visiting too and be surprised by the diverse flavors of the Portuguese culture and gastronomy heritage.

DOC Robalo com tupinambo em diferentes texturas, cantarelos e trufa preta

Why book now your 2021 tour? By booking all your tours with us you will have flexibility in the future, plus all the COVID-19 Health & Safety guidelines. Through these unique times, we are available to plan, reschedule, and move your trip around your needs, as always. If your new dates may no longer work with your initial travel plan, a dedicated consultant will be available to tailor and reschedule your time in Portugal according to your needs and preferences, and to assure you that you will have the best and most memorable experiences.

Marisa Leitão

Written by: Marisa Leitão

Marisa has been working on Digital Marketing and Advertising for the past years. Born in Lisbon and hopelessly in love with Porto, she knows the trendy places and the hidden-gems of both. Ask her about Portuguese heritage and curiosities, she knows some funny facts that you will enjoy to uncover.

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