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Now that you have plenty of reasons to visit Portugal, it's time to choose a hotel. It can be a bit of an overwhelming task due to the high number of offers,...
Topics: Douro, Porto, Vinho Verde,
“Bordeaux é uma bebida para rapazes e o Vinho do Porto para homens”
- Samuel Johson (literato inglês, século XVIII)
Há muitos anos escrevi que as duas mais...
Topics: Douro, Wine Tours, Porto,
Topics: Alentejo, Wine & Food, City Breaks,
Did you notice Valentine’s Day is getting closer? Well, if you are still wondering about where to go and what to do to spend a spectacular romantic time with...
Topics: Douro, Wine Tours, Lisbon,
Some restaurants in Portugal are special, mainly because they are much more than restaurants. The Restaurant at the Yeatman Hotel, in Porto, is one of them and...
Topics: Wine & Food, City Breaks, Porto
Porto was chosen to host the next Great Wine Capital Event between the 5th and 11th of November 2016!
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