Wine & Food Travel Blog

The best tips, inspirations and experiences
of wine tourism in Portugal

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Wine Tours

 After coming across a fantastic article written byWine Enthusiast'sEuropean Editor, Roger Voss, we could not wait to share it here with all the Wine Lovers...

Topics: Wine Tours, Alentejo, Restaurants,

Did you know that Lionel Ritchie was in Portugal last year? Yes this country really is a surprisingly exciting top destination for 2016! Travel + Leisure, AFAR...

Topics: Wine Tours, Wine & Food, City Breaks,

Wine Tourism in Portugal most recent constest has just ended and now it is time to announce the winner of a Free Wine and Food Tour in the spirited &...

Topics: Wine Tours, Travel, Wine & Food,

If you are a wine lover or a traveler, you must have already heard about Douro Region in Portugal, but if you have not already had the chance to get to know it,

Topics: Douro, Wine Tours, Wine Cruises,

Em meu primeiro livro, ao relacionar as principais regiões produtoras de Portugal simplesmente não mencionei o Alentejo. Meu primogênito “O Vinho para quem tem...

Topics: Wine Tours

Quinta de Santa Cristina is a wine producing estate in Vinho Verde, and one of the most innovating and forward-looking wine estates in Portugal, providing a...

Topics: Wine Tours, Wine & Food, Vinho Verde

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